Knowledge Sharing Pattern Language


Assured Resources

Knowledge Sharing
in Customer Supplier Relationship


L1 Project Establishment

Project Manager  




Problem An organization not being sure if it has available adequate resources for a new project.
Initial Context A customer has requested a new project.
Roles A Project Manager together with a Line Manager having the resource ownership. One or more customer representatives telling their expectations and needs. Also sales is normally cooperating with a Project Manager in this.
Forces To commit to a project, at least the most critical resources need to be known and pre-assigned. Resource refers here to human resources. It includes the quality, the competence areas and levels, and the quantity - the amount of required resources.

To have some certain competence area and level available does not always mean that it should be possessed by the current employees. Also suppliers and recruitments can be thought as a solution. 

Especially, when the sales and project delivery organization are separate organizations this need for checking available resources requires extra effort but is very critical to the successful start of a project.


At the project level the following actions are required:
  1. Draft Project Objectives together with the customer. It could be an early version of the Shared Understanding (KSP5).
  2. Define Required Competences based on the draft objectives, define required competences. For example, what technology areas are involved, what level of competence (basic, average, high) is required and how many persons would be required? Check also the match with the vision and strategy.
  3. Check Resource Availability. Check that it would be possible to resource this kind of a project. The resources can be from the own resources or supplier resources.
  4. Communicate (and Study) Willingness. If the resources could be available for a project, communicate willingness to the customer. If resources can not be confirmed on an adequate level, communicate to the customer that the project is not possible in the current situation.
Resulting Context A project having required competences adequately identified and required resources assured for the project.
Instances Implement this always when planning a new project without the resources confirmed.
Process Connection Project management, resource management.


Last changes at 27th January 2008